Top 3 Reasons Floor Scrubbers Fail

Floor scrubbers are ingenious machines that clean your floors in record time. They’re normally reserved for commercial purposes, but they can also be rented for residential applications. An issue that users run into, however, is scrubber failure. Uncover the top 3 reasons floor scrubbers fail. The answers are often simple concepts.

1. User Error

The most common issue that arises involves user error. An automatic floor scrubber powers up for a few minutes, but then it dies off rather rapidly. Problems don’t usually originate from the battery or charger. It’s the connections that may be in question.

People plug in the charger and connect it to the scrubber. They don’t verify if there’s power actually flowing to the machine, however. Look at the on-board gauge, which tells you if the machine is receiving a steady stream of electricity.

Floor scrubber troubleshooting should always start with the most basic checkpoints:

  • Verify that the electrical outlet doesn’t have a tripped circuit breaker, for example.
  • Look for a tight connection between the charger and machine. Loose connections will always result in no power and a failed scrubber.

Apply these same concepts to other machines in your life, including a mysterious power issue with the lawnmower. Battery power is reliable when you check your connections each time.

2. Contact or Wiring Issue

Floor scrubber troubleshooting also extends to the tiniest parts of the connectors. Some chargers and floor scrubbers have connectors with plastic housings and hidden metal contacts. Constant plugging and unplugging activities can warp the plastic and bend the metal.

The scrubber might work fine today, and tomorrow it has an unusual power issue. Take a look at these connectors. Pull out a flashlight if necessary. Metal that’s bent even a fraction of an inch won’t make the proper contact. The result is a scrubber that malfunctions.

With the charger disconnected, use a pair of pliers to adjust the contact back into place. You may need to watch the charging session afterward to verify that the power is flowing.

There may be many battery improvements in the works, according to Battery University, but every technology will use some form of wire to transport electrical power at this point. Don’t forget to check if the wires are frayed or damaged on the charger. Electrical shorts won’t allow the scrubber to be charged, which leads to failures.

3. Dead Batteries

Simple reasons floor scrubbers fail involve the batteries themselves. For most machines, their batteries should last between two and five years. The lifespan depends on usage frequency and maintenance.

To check if your battery is dead, place a voltmeter on the contacts. The battery must have a load, so attach it to the scrubber in its usual position. Depending on the number of batteries, healthy power sources should reflect their full voltage. A six-volt battery, for instance, should report this voltage or higher if it’s in good shape. Replace the battery if it fails to rise to these values.

Don’t forget to maintain the batteries with proper watering and corrosion removal, reports the Family Handyman. The simplest machines, including the family vacuum cleaner, require regular care.

Get all of your power questions answered with a call to Northeast Battery today. From cleaning machines to golf carts, today’s devices need batteries that last. Allow us to point you in the right direction. Reliable power is a necessity today.