…Are GEL Batteries Worth It?

Many terms are tossed around when it comes to batteries, including sealed, flooded and valve regulated. Gel batteries are also a common term, which refers to the sulfuric acid and silica substances within the housing that create a stiff paste to conduct electricity. If you’ve been pricing gel batteries, you may wonder if you should make the leap with this technology. Discover why a gel battery is worth it in particular applications.

Taking the “Leak” out of Batteries

There are many pros and cons to gel batteries, but the leading reason why they’re superior to any other cell battery is the leak-free design. Unlike flooded batteries, gel designs don’t have liquid electrolytes. All of the acids are suspended in a solid matrix. The battery might be turned upside down or tipped over during use, and leakage doesn’t occur.

This simple fact reduces corrosion on the housing’s exterior and prolongs the battery’s life cycle. It’s safer to touch without gloves because any acids remain trapped within the housing at all times.

Venting Heat Away

Heat tends to be the enemy of any deep cycle battery. If it heats up too much on a regular basis, the battery’s performance and lifespan suffers. The beauty of gel batteries is their heat-transfer abilities. The separator used in these designs is conductive, which allows heat to move out from the housing. Gel batteries simply run cooler than their relatives, such as AGM or absorbed glass mat models. These designs trap the heat, and lead to a shorter lifespan for the battery overall.

Depending on the Valve

In recent years, VRLA or valve regulated lead acid batteries have become a staple as a high-quality cell battery, reports Science Direct. It comes with a valve made typically of EPDM rubber. This valve protects the battery from leaks that are common with flooded designs.

When you consider if gel batteries are worth the price, take a close look at this valve. As long as it’s made with quality materials, it provides stability and longevity to the battery. In fact, this design is quickly making its way into many industries, so choosing a valve regulated lead acid battery may be the norm in the future.

Working Well in Low-Current, High-Temperature Environments

Golf carts, boats and RVs are all applications that demand a deep cycle battery. Power must flow at a constant rate with some harsh conditions thrown in. You need to be able to rely on the battery charging. Marine batteries work well as gel batteries, for example. Tight areas where unusual positions for the battery are common can employ the gel’s stable structure.

Hot conditions are commonplace for most gel-battery applications too. The life cycle of any battery can be quickly shortened if it’s not designed for particular temperatures. Gel batteries seem to thrive in high temperatures when they can give off a steady stream of power.

Performing at Peak Levels Every Time

A gel battery is worth it because performance is optimized throughout its lifespan. According to Battery University, its internal design gives you a dome-shaped curve to its power output. You don’t have a dwindling voltage, which is common with other batteries. Your application benefits from many deep cycles that have enough power for every accessory.

These peak levels are achieved through advanced designs and unique structures of the gel substance. When your core concern is top-notch performance, no other battery can offer the same reliability.

Speak to the experts at Northeast Battery today. We can make sense of today’s power options and battery charging. Marine batteries, deep cycles and other subjects are ready to be broken down by our team. Get on board with gel batteries to see a difference in your powering options!