How to Replace Your Snowmobile Battery: A Step-by-Step Guide

Your snowmobile may be a fun ride, or it’s meant to be a functional transport around your property. Regardless of its primary use, every snowmobile requires a battery. After several years, it may be time to replace that snowmobile battery. Learn how to complete this basic task on your own so that your ride is up and running in no time

1. Open the Hood

Be sure that the snowmobile is turned off before you open the hood. Safety should always come first during a snowmobile battery replacement project. Any live components can potentially shock you, including the battery, reports Science Daily.

2. Verify the Battery Type

Take a look at the snowmobile battery. It should have some reference numbers and letters on it. Verify that your replacement battery is compatible with this type. AGM batteries, for instance, are good replacements for older technologies, states Varta Powersports. An incompatible battery will impact the snowmobile’s performance or fail to power up in the first place.

3. Remove the Air Box

When you learn how to replace a battery, part of this skill is maneuvering around other parts in the engine compartment. Many snowmobile models have an air box that resides just above the installed battery. Remove this component along with its attached hoses. Follow the instructions that come with your vehicle’s purchase.

4. Disconnect the Negative Wire

Continue with your snowmobile battery replacement task by loosening the negative or black wire. Always start with this ground wire because it’s the safest way to deal with a battery. Sparking won’t occur when you remove the black wire first.

5. Remove the Positive Wire

With the negative wire draped away from the battery, carefully remove the positive or red wire. Drape it in the opposite direction from the black wire. Regardless of why the battery failed, including shorts and drained conditions, there’s always a possibility of electrical arcing or sparks. Err on the side of caution by keeping the wires far apart from each other.

6. Remove the Old Battery

Carefully slide the old battery out of its compartment. If it meets any resistance, check for obstructions. Don’t force it from its position. The housing is tough, but it can become damaged with excessive pulling.

7. Clean the Wire Terminals

Part of how to replace a battery includes cleaning the surrounding components. Before bringing the new battery into the picture, inspect the loose wires. Clean off any corrosion with a rag. Be sure to remove all of the corrosion. It will just continue to grow on the new battery if left attached to the wires.

8. Inspect Exposed Components

Take a critical look at the parts below the exposed space for the battery. Adjust any parts that appear loose, such as the steering components. The removed battery gives you a new view of the snowmobile, which can save you time and money when it comes to maintenance.

9. Install the New Battery

Add the new battery to the open space. Verify that no parts are caught or obstructing the battery’s position. It should sit snugly within the space. An incorrect battery won’t fit as well as the right model.

10. Reconnect the Wires and Air Box

Connect the red wire to the battery first. End the battery installation with the negative wire being securely attached to its terminal. Reconnect the air box and its associated hoses. Check every connection for a snug fit.

11. Test the System

Close the hood and test the snowmobile. A properly installed battery should power right up. If you face any hesitation from the system, reevaluate the parts for a solution.

Visit Northeast Battery today for any questions about snowmobile batteries. Swap out your battery as a precautionary measure before a major storm or cold snap. Being prepared with a fresh battery will only safeguard you, your business or family.